Monday, January 13, 2014

Steampunk Gun

     A while ago, one of my friends brought me a nerf Maverick which he had broken trying to modify and he wanted me to paint it to look good.   He gave me no hints to what he thought "good" was, so I was temped to paint it pink camo and put a hello kitty logo on the side (the only reason I didn't is because I would have to go and buy a bunch of pink paints.   So I just went with what I thought would look good.   First I did a black base coat. Then taped up the handle, except the grip, and painted that tan.   Once that was dry, I taped up the priming mechanism (the slider on the back of the gun that you pull back to load)  and the grip that I just painted tan. And did a light gold mist over the rest of the gun.  I'm very happy on how this gun turned out, plus instead of paying me for it my friend gave me a limited edition nerf gun that I'd been trying to get for a while.  To this day, this remains one of my favorite guns I've ever painted.


This raider, like many others, is painted like this because I had an extra gun with only a base coat laying around, extra paint and a LOT of time.   I spent only 10 minutes or so taping up the raider the first time (I taped all the parts I wanted to stay black) and then did a gold coat over it.   When I took the tape off, my heart sunk.   I hadn't spent enough time making the tape perfect, so that the gold wouldn't get on parts I didn't want it.  I spent a while repainting the gun black.  Then spent a good hour making sure the tape was perfect. I did the gold coat again, and took the tape off, yet again, the gold had gotten on parts I didn't want it. No less then 2 tries later (and a lot of tape) I got it how I wanted it.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Horror story

Today, I decided to take a break from nerf and right a horror story based on event that happened to me.

"ASH" I hear my mom yell from the other room. "Fuck" I think to myself, I walk over and open the door and reply "Yeah?" "Maggie just woke me up, I think she needs a walk" my mom says. "Maggie never wakes people up... she probably just had a nightmare.. do dogs have nightmares?" I think to myself   "Ug... ok I say"  I put leases on both Maggie and Jackson (my two dogs) and start to take them outside.   I get about half way down the drive way and Maggie starts to pull back... this is normal.. she just doesn't like to walk sometimes... So I go and put her back inside.  I continue to walk Jackson, there was freezing rain yesterday, so the ground is slippery and its winter, so its almost pitch black.  There are a couple house lights and street lights on allowing me to see a little. I blink and i notice its slightly darker then before, I turn around and notice that a couple street lights are off at the end of the block, a chill runs down my spine.  Suddenly Jackson takes off, almost yanking my arm off with him.  He's wining and pulling at the lease as hard as he can.  My heart rate increases, he turns his head and snaps his jaw looking at something in a tree. "Ohh," I Say, feeling MUCH better now, "Jackson, its just a squirrel or bird or something, calm down buddy." He continues to yank at the lease, whining more then I've ever heard him before, and he's still looking up into that tree.  Out of the corner of my eye, I see another light go off, I quickly turn my head tword it, and it comes back on as if to pretend it was never off. Then ( I swear on my soul) it acted like it realized i had seen it go off, and turned BACK OFF.  Another light across the street went off and a snapping of branches as Jackson barked at something.  Several things are wrong with that, 1. No squirrel or bird could crack big enough branches to make the sound i just heard 2. Jackson is no longer looking up in the tree, but digging his claws into the ice trying to pull me forward 3. Jackson VERY rarely barks.  Another light goes off. "What the fuc..." I saw but am cut off as i gasp at another light, closer, going off. I take off running, Jackson seems so relived. I notice he's shaking bad. I run a good block and a half, then realize that a wire was probably broken or something, causing the lights to go out. Ignoring the fact that all the lights would go out at once then.  Jackson seems calmer, so I pop one ear bud in, so I can still hear if i have to, just in case.  I take another 10 steps, and then a cold wind passes me VERY quickly, and a light in front of me goes out, I turn to see all the lights, on the entire block, are out.  I then hear a crunch a few feet in front of me, a crunch made by something HEAVY stepping, landing, crushing, who the hell knows what the ice on the ground. I turn and RUN, I hear more crunching behind me, and I notice a car is coming.  I will be able to see what it is, right before the car is getting close enough for me to see (I'm still running) a hear a deeper crunch, meaning whatever was behind me went into the snow, in some trees. "HELP" I yell to the car, but whoever it was is playing their music much too load for them to hear.  However, in the light caused by the cars headlights, I notice that the distance between the road and trees is too great for a human to cover in that short time.  I keep running, faster, I'm almost home.  As I sprint past my neighbors house, to my horror i see some shape on top of their house, that's not supposed to be there, and it moves. I've never run faster in my life. Thank god that Jackson is in shape, and that the older dog Maggie wasn't with me.  I make it inside and something SLAMS against the door. I reach around for a flashlight, trying to find one. I grab one, point it out the window as i hear crunching meaning whatever is out there is moving down the driveway, and push the "on" button. Nothing, no light comes.  I'm to happy to be unhurt and alive to try to pursue it, and not brave enough, I head back to my room.  I walk over to my computer and set the flashlight now beside it, as I start to type this very "story" about half way threw (at the part "digging his claws into the ice" suddenly the light turns in.  I didn't press the button or anything.  Out of curiosity, i check out the window, the street lights and porch lights are back on.  I don't know what happened to me tonight, I don't know who I'm going to tell and some close friends. I do know, that no one will believe me, because that's how paranormal stuff works.  I also know, that next time Maggie wakes up someone late at night, I'm not going outside.